Saturday, November 25, 2006

Rule one of unpolitical politics

Ok. Seriously. Take a few seconds to play back the last few days you've spent. Now think clearly and answer. Has anyone said something that could have been interpreted for something else. Come on. Raise your hands. Don't be shy. I know I have. For starters, yesterday I told someone close to me that my maid had accidentally washed my clothes with another shirt, causing it to turn the same color as a friend's(a guy). Today that friend approaches me and asks me why I'm going around hinting that we're together. I mean, hello? Someone took my words a little too seriously there. You might say that these kind of things don't happen to you. I'm a normal human being for crying out loud. So if this happened to me, it could happen to anyone else. Therefore, rule one in unpolitical politics ( meaning one that does not involve campaigning and all that jazz) is to be careful in what you say. Watch what you say. You could say something like "I left my tea in the office freezer" and some wacko might interpret it to be a secret poison that you used to put Jim in hospital so that you could get that promotion.

Posted by dummyforsale at 4:13 AM