Sunday, May 27, 2007

Just realised I haven't blogged for near a month..... oh well. It's been kinda sad these past few days. First I went for MJ choir concert and I saw all my friends there... I know I should be happy but I miss them so much.. AND GUESS WHAT?!? The world goes in vicious circles.. Remember the guy teacher I accidentally insulted when he was teaching me MIDI sequencing? The one who told me that my teacher in school put me in charge of collecting all the MIDI assignments and I told him ," This kind of SHIT also she put me in charge ar?" I didn't really mean it Joel, I was just really pissed with that teacher because she was being a dick. Anyway, why the whole recollection thing? BECAUSE HE WAS MJ'S GUEST PIANIST. That's right. And I was in the audience all flabbergasted because i never thought I would ever see him again. Damn. Anywayz, MJ's concert was really great and it was really supercalifragilisticexpialidocious to watch Allie and Qiu Qi performing. Also got to see darn lot of my classmates from MJ and Mereith and Zul. Kinda cool but sad.

Then on Friday was Mr Zheng's and Dr. Ho's last day. I was so sad. I'm seriously going to miss Dr Ho's long winded maths examples that actually make sense (to a certain extent at least) and his funny laugh. I hope he remains our teacher after the June hols and Bocky doesn't come back.

Mr Zheng's leaving today too. It's only been three months or so but I feel as if our class and Mr Zheng have spent a lifetime together, laughing at lame jokes and looking at gory pictures. Miss all his interesting GP videos (can''t always keep my head up though...ZzZzZ) but the videos DID teach us a lot of interesting and new stuff that we might have never known. So enjoyed the laughing our class has shared together under his care. He really bothered if we did our work and went out of his way to make each class different from the previous one. And I learnt a lot of cool stuff ( like the fact that Zi Rui hates violence, Wei Lun is violent, Firdaus is darn creative when it comes to punishments and Sheryl can be REALLY SPASTIC when she wants to.). Just don't know where to start describing Mr Zheng: his eyelashes, double eyelid and his favourite colour being pink but I sure know that after he's not teaching us anymore our class is never going to feel as complete again.

Posted by dummyforsale at 5:58 AM

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

So we got a gold for SYF.. quite happy because i was kinda afraid that mistake by one of the sops would have caused a silver, but phew, it didn't. Almost cried when we were singing No Importa La Distancia. Cicillia beside was crying but luckily i relaxed and breathed. It would be freaky to see someone who's always laughing cry. Kane wasn't there to do his solo so some of the guys took turns to help with it. SYF was probably not our best performance but we GAVE it our best so we should be happy with what we got. Mingching said that there's a twitchy guy in YJ too but I didn't see any. Most of us were cracking lame jokes on the way back yesterday and I finally realised why so many seniors bothered to come back. it's the bond within the choir itself that makes everyone feel at home even if they feel that they're the weirdest person on Earth.Anw, today's lessons were sombre since many girls didn't come. Ahshiba, Reggie and Er weren't here. Er left halfway since she was down with flu. Pity her man I know what it feels like to be sick. Kartik and Zhaoliang were also out for StAJE and volleyball. Me and Sher were entertaining ourselves the whole time but I kept saying stupid stiff cuz I was so darn tired. Couldn't concentrate during physics prac today cuz the mosquitoes kept on biting me. I had to do it today bcuz I wasn't in school ytd. I was so nervous bcuz I was the only one in the whole lab. I was thinking, " I could be doing everything wrong and Mr. Chew might be standing there mocking me silently." But I got a C so I guess it wasn't that bad. I wrote nonsense for the discuss anomaly part. I wrote "not conducted in a draft-free room". Hello that is chemistry!!! And that point wasn't even anomalous i just plotted it wrongly. So I got a big cross. But looking on the bright side, I could have gotten a Z but Mr Chew's a nice guy. Pris called me today and asked if there's choir. She can't get any blurrer man! But at least she didn't like stay until six then call. Can't wait for Pattaya trip it's gonna be really fun with all the wacko people in choir(i'm automatically one of them).

Posted by dummyforsale at 3:29 AM

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Life's been running quite sweet eh? Just blogged yesterday so I ain't got much to say. However, i just realised just how much i miss my cchy friends after talking to sally that day. Really brought back all those memories i've been trying to repress and make sure that I'll enjoy AJ while I can. Sally's gone to TP taking Law. So clever. I'd probably be blur about the whole thing. Miss her like crazy and it's funny to think how we spent a whole of a year being enemies. If there's one thing I grateful to band about it has to be making me and Salz good friends. We all gotta meet up again soon.. NO STEAMBOATS!!! Enough of cooking the food by myself..hehe. But of course the steamboats were so bloody fun, what with all the laughing and cracking lame jokes. Gotta go though, Ugly Betty's starting.

P.S.: Mingching me and two of my AJ friends are going to KBox, wanna follow?

Posted by dummyforsale at 6:57 AM

Saturday, May 05, 2007

So long since I blogged!!! Only realised it when i saw that my GP blog entry was more recent compared to my blog. Anyway, my parents didn't let me watch Midsummer Nights Dream. SO now Mingching is enjoying it. And I'm left to blog about it. But since it's like today and there's nothing I can do about it, there're better things to worry about. SYF is coming in THREE DAYS!!! AHHHH!!! There's no choir tomorrow because Mr. Kwei wants us to rest. So I'm worrying now. Worried about getting our Gold with Honours. But we're definitely going to work or ass off to try to get it. Now watching my brother act like a total weirdo with his Quiksilver jacket.
Going to watch Blackboards, White walls by StAJEworks with Sam. Dunno if Mingching wants to go. I mean..... Nah forget it there's no reason to continue harping about MND. Anyway, I realised that my blog entry isn't the main attraction of my blog, its the CBox!!! So much life at my blog even when I dont blog.
Going on the Pattaya trip with the choir. I actually managed to convince my parents to let me go Thailand again ( the prev two times being with band). Last years Choir Games was at Xiamen!! So cool, I wonder why I didn't see them there. Probably different date or something.
Still, I'm really trying to plan a roadtrip for the end of this year. Sher was telling me something about wanting to go on a roadtrip in Malaysia so I'm like why not? It'll be fun if noone drowns in tsunamis or gets bombed or gets kidnapped by horny monkeys (not like that has ever happened.)
Porky's not teaching me for a while and we got a replacement. So goddamn happy!!! no need to see her face again for another month or so!!!!^^

Posted by dummyforsale at 4:37 AM